The Philosopher’s Stone is in YOU.It’s up to you to dig it out. The Philosopher’s Stone, perhaps the most “magical” tool of them all, lies deep within you.Buried under all of the excess you’ve accumulatedContinue reading
Sport is important?
What is your answer to the question: Sport is important?Our society clearly says YES. Only those who practice sports can be fit and healthy.Only those who strain their body remain fit.Only with sports the bodyContinue reading
Things that didn’t happen yet
What are you thinking about right now?You probably think about something that is either in the past or in the future, or something that has nothing to do with you…So we do way too much.OurContinue reading
Once again I got a cold. Why?Am I really balanced? Do I drink enough water? Do I sleep enough? Do I have too much stress? Do I have enough rest/breaks? Do I care for myself?Continue reading
Today is a rainy day again and the sky is in a dreary gray.Everything gray in gray, I thought, when I looked up to the clouds…But suddenly I recognized the movement!The clouds were moving FASTContinue reading
Role playing
Who am I?What roles do I have?Which games do I play? – Which ones would I like to play?Do I have to play?Can’t I just BE? Since when do I play these roles? Since whenContinue reading
When light comesthe veil of fog dissolvesbefore the eyes of the beholderthe landscape shine in its perfect beauty. (light=knowledge, fog=fear, landscape=life) April 2017 Post Views: 194